Radiology Health and Safety for Allied Dental
Self-paced No available Badges
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AADHNMS -06-1-2024-10
This course is designed to equip students with the knowledge and study of radiation physics, hygiene, and safety theories, and the fundamentals of oral radiographic techniques. Upon completion of the course, students will complete a final exam on the principles of radiation health and safety, artifacts, common errors in radiography, technique, and the identification of radiographic anatomy.
A. Explain the basic principles and concepts of radiation in general and x-radiation.
B. Identify the component parts and workings of the dental X-ray machine and the production of X-rays.
C. Determine which factors affect the quality of the x-ray beam and the radiographic image.
D. Discuss effects of ionizing radiation on living tissues including protective and recommended health and safety factors.
E. Discuss radiation biology health and safety.
F. Discuss radiation protection procedures for the operator and the patient.
G. Discuss the selection of appropriate radiographic surveys, film types, and duplicate film use.
H. Discuss and identify intraoral techniques for bitewings (horizontal and vertical), occlusal films, and periapicals, including currently accepted methods and emphasizing the paralleling technique for periapicals.
I. Identify supplementary techniques and patient management including endodontic, localization, edentulous, pedodontics, and techniques for difficult anatomy and patients with disabling conditions.
J. Recognize technique of proper film processing, handling, and record keeping.
K. Identify and discuss appropriate infection control and considerations and protocols for radiography.
L. Discuss quality assurance procedures.
M. Discuss digital imaging.
N. Discuss and recognize the need for alternate imaging modalities.
0. Recognize appearances of normal radiographic landmarks, artifacts, and shadows.
P. Recognize developmental abnormalities and basic disease processes of teeth and supporting structures.
Q. Discuss legal and ethical issues related to dental radiography.